Platfrom queen beds

The platfrom queen beds his blog and

Cater to the slowly improving demand this festive season. An interesting finding in The Real Picture, a recent survey. Conducted by Makaan. com, shows that though there is a strong movement.

In the real estate market, home seekers are going to get to step in their new homes only after two-three years time. Why. Answers Aditya Verma, business head and vice presiВdent, Makaan. com, Because most new developments are sold out and buyers have only one. Option for investment в buying in under construction projects. This survey was conducted by Makaan. com in leading national metros and tier II cities on their portal. From August l lto August 20 and saw participation from over 3200 brokersrealtors.

Kaizad Hateria, general manager - marketВing and sales, Keystone Group, also confirms. It is true that there are hardly any ready-for-possession flats in. The market. Out of 100 flats, you will probably get one flat available for moving.

But this is so because theres a cost to acquiring customers. And developers dont want platfrom queen beds lose out on the market share. So they prefer to get their flats booked as early. As posВsible. If they dont have a product available, the buyer will. Go to someone else who has it, says Hateria. Buying under-construction also has its advantages cost benefits for buyers and inventory.

Clearance for sellers. Every buyer today knows that the closer the project. Is to the ground level, the cheaper it is. And so buyВers in Mumbai lap up the opportunity to invest in under-construction. Projects. Seventy-five per cent of the sales happen even before. The platfrom queen beds of the building is laid.

For example, in our Thane project, we manВaged to sell out. 200 flats just by word-of-mouth, adds Hateria. So if you are hunting for a ready-for-posВsession home, you will. Either have to pay through your nose or approach a broker to find a resale flat.

Chetan Salvi, a home seeker, whos on the house-hunt for the. Last three months, points out, 1 have been looking for a flat in the Andheri to Borivali stretch, but the waiting period is around one-and-half to two years. When it comes to buying resale platfrom queen beds, the loan component is also.

At risk and the whole deal platfrom queen beds unaffordable. Hopefully, developers will want to cash in on the. Festive period by offering irresistible offers and better pricing.



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